Run your diesel on vegetable oil - biodiesel

Vegetable oil used as the diesel fuel. Yes, it will run on veggy oil a diesel engine. There are three ways to use vegetable oil as fuel. 

1 Straight vegetable oil (SVO). 2 Mixing to dilute the plant oil fuel or a petroleum solvent. 3 Biodiesel, my favorite. 

The term refers to straight SVO vegetable oil. SVO can be used as a direct substitute fuels but can lead to engine damage. SVO the high viscosity leads to a poor combustion, bonding injectors, excessive soot and fuel dilution of the engine oil. For these reasons, the transesterification is overall best method to use vegetable oil as fuel. 

The viscosity SVOL so that it will be like with maple syrup or honey into the tank. SVO to use a fuel heating system is required to dilute the oil. Provisions must be made to start the engine on a petro-diesel or biodiesel, and then switch to the straight vegetable oil after the engine is running, then back to the petrochemical diesel or biodiesel for the shutdown. I suppose in a very hot climate, it could be useful. I personally do not like the idea of ​​SVO. I would not run it in my 2004 VW Jetta TDI diesel so I will not go into detail about it. 

Mix the oil is too thin to make it also a way to run the veggy oil in your engine. Kerosene, diesel fuel and other petrochemical products can be used as diluent. I'm not interested in mixing veggy oil, so I do not talk about it. My interest is in the production of biodiesel. 

What is biodiesel? Biodiesel is a renewable substitute for petroleum-based diesel fuel. It is much more environmentally friendly than fossil fuels. Biodiesel is simple to use, biodegradable, nontoxic, virtually sulfur-free and renewable in our United States. 

• An interesting fact is that biodiesel, CO2 and water formed during the combustion process. The interesting tidbit is that the CO2 emissions released from burning biodiesel was absorbed from the atmosphere when the seed crop was grown. You remember from your biology class that plants take in CO2 during photosynthesis and release oxygen. 

• For this reason, generally produced in the biodiesel is CO2-neutral, with the exception of small amounts during the manufacturing process. 

• Unlike fossil fuels, biodiesel is biodegradable. In case of spillage, no harm to the environment come. Waste vegetable oil (WVO) can be used to produce biodiesel. The U.S. currently produces about 3.6 billion gallons WVO every year. That's about 100 million gallons per day! 

Biodiesel may be made from any type of vegetable or animal fats. Soybean, corn, canola, peanut, used cooking grease and more, as I said will do any vegetable oil. 

Any substance that fatty acids (triglycerides) can be used. The molecule of which contains the fat triglycerides and glycerol linked by ester. The idea in biodiesel production is the fat from the glycerin (glycerol makes the oil thick) to separate. The chemical method is used called transesterification. The oil is separated into two products, methyl esters and glycerol. The methyl ester biodiesel and glycerin can be made into soap or other useful products.

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