Sources of the motor winding Failure

The windings are arranged in the induction motor, a substantial part of the component. As a substantial part is, it can fail in the windings failure of the entire engine. The source of evil is in isolation, voltage problems and debris. If left unattended, the result is shut down engine failure and possible production.

InsulationThe isolation may be caused over time by the stresses of normal use, a problem. Vibrations, heat and tension contribute to the stresses in the insulation, causing damage in the form of cracks and deterioration of insulation. Other causes are in the electrical power surges, the operation of the machines on the proposed capacity and uneven stress problems. All these compromise the insulation, leading to engine failure.

Stress problemsSurges to the engine is an unequal distribution of stress problems with the insulation and the windings. The problems are often in tension during storms when the electrical system is affected by lightning. Power outages and the subsequent correction of the problem may also cause a rise. Uneven distribution of stress is also a problem. Voltage issues lead to frequent engine failures, excessive heat and difficult start are some of the symptoms. Voltage questions and other motor windings can also harm the electrical system components in the rest of the machine.

DebrisInsulation deterioration, particles from the regular operation and dust enter the air in the windings, leads to problems in the operation of the engine. The deposits can inhibit the movement of the windings and the currents travel through it. The result, in the current, which could cause further damage to the engine itself surges.

The problems that inhibit easily detected during regular inspections and preventive maintenance to the motor windings. The windings are an important part of the supply to the motor and should already go through regular cleaning, repair and inspection. Failing to do so can guarantee a major exchange in the near future by the machine.

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