4 Simple Steps for Going Green

Thinking about going green? Do not worry, it's definitely not as daunting a concept as many make it out to be. You do not have to sell your house and live in a tent in the wilderness to show that you care about the environment for only a very green-ness is really about all the little things that count. Take a look at these four simple steps that can be easily implemented into your daily routine that make a big difference in the long run! 

1 Bring your own shopping bags Paper or plastic? Neither! Waste is a serious problem that we are facing. Canadians produce more waste per person than any other country in the world. In fact, produces the Canadian average of 2.2 kg of waste per day. Remember, there's no place like "off"; everything we supposedly throw "away" has to go somewhere, and it will always come back to track us. An easy way to reduce your waste production is by toting around your own reusable bags when you are shopping. They are not only easy and environmentally friendly, but also in the delightful designs. Many stores also offer a small discount if you bring your own eco-friendly shopping bag! 

2 Switch to eco-friendly hair products Not only are green shampoos and conditioners kind to the earth, but they are also easy on your hair. The purpose is to wash your hair to remove excess oil and dirt, not the hair's natural moisture, the thing to do is to to strip inorganic shampoos. Inorganic shampoos with harmful chemicals such as MIT (methylisothiazolin), a chemical compound with neurological damage) and sodium laureth sulfate (a cheap foaming agent that is loaded), a known carcinogen. Exposure to MIT during pregnancy may put at risk for abnormal development of the brain) of the fetus. Think of it this way ... by a stranger on the street corner are offering bottles of colored liquid chemical and told you that these would cause neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and birth defects, would you buy this product and scrub it into your scalp with warm water? Environmentally friendly and chemical free shampoos are readily available and affordable. 

3 Go easy on the wrapping paper It's easy to get lost in a sea of ​​wrapping paper, ribbon, gift bags and during the holiday season. The average Canadian family produces 25% more waste during the holidays than any other time of the year! Instead carefully tearing open gifts to open it so that you can reuse the wrapping paper, and decorate shoe and cereal boxes to keep gifts instead of buying new. Wrap in dish towels, T-shirts or reusable eco-friendly bags. Even better, the gift of an experience, such as tickets or passes. 

4 Become a flexitarian Instead of cooking a steak every night, try not to eat meat one day a week. As a result, the environment will help immensely, as the meat production process causes significant pollution, is very tedious, energy consuming and can unethical. The health benefits associated with vegetarianism extensive. Vegetarians live about seven years longer than meat-eaters and vegans live 15 years longer! Studies show that consumption of red meat is associated with breast cancer-those who eat meat every day are four times more susceptible to the disease. On top of all that meat, chicken and fish with vegetables and fruits replaced estimated food bills of $ 4,000 a year cut. So a flexitarian-the animals to be your body, and the planet will thank you! 

Going green means a variety of things for most people. Every little bit really count, no matter how small the action is. Living environmentally friendly is easy to do if you take small steps....

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