Green Living - what lies inside of a solar panel?

A solar collector is a device that converts light into electricity. They are built to roofs or buildings, towards the sun. Many scholars call these photovoltaic solar panels, which means, in simple terms "light-electricity". In order to understand what is inside a solar panel you need to understand what they are made of. 

A solar collector of a collection of solar cells that generate electricity directly made of visible light, based on the photoelectric effect. The photoelectric effect is the term used to describe what happens when light is absorbed releases on a certain type of material, the photons, but electrons lit. When these free electrons are captured, you get an electrical current which can be used as electricity. The famous physicist Einstein actually won the Nobel Prize in 1921 for work to explain the photoelectric effect. 

Solar cells on semiconductor physics. Semiconductors are a class of materials such as silicon, carbon and germanium, the electrically conductive so that they. Good medium for the control of electric current Crystalline silicon is mainly used in solar cells and the material just happens to be one of the most abundant elements on Earth. A single solar cell having a positive and negative film designed to provide an electric field such as in a battery. Sunlight is of photons so that photons are absorbed into the cell, causing the electrons are free, then. Against the bottom of the cell and outward movement on the connecting line This flow of electrons is what we call electricity. The combination of solar cells and photovoltaic panels generate electricity that you use, you can use throughout the house. 

The actual amount of electricity generated by these cells is dependent on the amount of the light to them. This is of course determined by the weather and time of day. By storing the required energy. Solar panels must be positioned so as to catch as much sunlight as possible. You need to head south to benefit from direct sunlight, but you can still use the energy from the sun panels with South-East or South-West. Including direct sunlight is not a necessity, because the UV light penetrates through the clouds will still generate electricity, but not as much as can a cloudless day....

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