Fluoridation of drinking water is something that neighborhoods used in most public water sources including California Water decades. Despite the obvious health benefits of this practice, some conspiracy theorists have these common and safe health measure used to stir up unfounded fears.
For this reason, certain people want to learn more about water fluoridation. To improve water formation, below are the answers to some frequently asked questions about fluoride in the water.
1 Why is fluoride added to the public water supply sources? The answer is quite simple. Fluoride prevents tooth decay. It is a substance which is found in any good toothpaste. It has the ability to strengthen the enamel and stop the chemical processes to create that solve specific foods that melt. It prevents tooth decay and keeps the teeth healthy. Fluoride does the same, when it is added in very small amounts of water. For this reason that people drink water containing a small amount of fluoride, are less likely to suffer from tooth decay.
2 If I use toothpaste with fluoride, what is the point of fluoridation of drinking water? Many people may assume that fluoride in their water will have no additional benefit if they already receive fluoride from other sources such as toothpaste. This assumption is simply wrong. Most studies show that people who brush in areas with tap water that does not have a high level of fluoride caries experience at a higher price than those who live in areas with fluoridated water. People tend to drink several glasses of water per day. The additional advantage that additional fluoride over a period of several years can be quite substantial.
3 Fluoride is harmful to health? Yes, there are certain instances where the exposure to too much fluoride can be unhealthy. For example, when a person takes up a lot of fluoride can consistently years later to higher rates of bone fractures in this person. Can develop children under the age of eight "pit" as anomalies in their tooth enamel when they take too much fluoride over a period of time. However, these risks are not considered fluoridated water. The amount of fluoride in public water sources is simply too small to cause all these problems.
4 Is Bottled Water contain fluoride? It has been shown that many different brands of bottled water actually comes from sources of public water supply. If that is the case, these brands are likely to contain fluoride. However, this is not for any type of bottled water by the water industry produces true. Bottled water labeled as distilled, de-ionized or purified has not much, if any fluoride. This is because the processes used to produce these kinds of drinking water removing fluoride.
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