Water Saving Tips - How to Help Conserve Water

Water is a prerequisite for the life of every living thing on Earth. A whopping 70 percent of Earth is covered with water, but 97 percent of it is salt water. Only three percent is fresh water and a lot of that in the form of frozen glaciers. We are left with about one percent of fresh water for the maintenance of life. Human water consumption is the supply of fresh water on the earth water cycle can naturally clean, recycle and recover. 

Follow these simple water-saving tips to reduce this planet water scarcity: • Leaky faucets and toilets are tens of thousands of gallons of water in just one month to waste. Make sure none of the faucets or toilets in your house have no leaks. Check it often to make sure there are no drips or leakage of water everywhere. 

• Each flush of an older toilet uses about three and a half to six and a half liters of water. Never use the toilet as a trash receptacle and only wash when needed. Install a newer low-flow toilet that uses less than 2 gallons per flush to save water. 

• Take shorter showers. A five-minute shower with a shower head that flows at five gallons per minute shower uses 25 gallons but 10 minutes to double that amount. Install a water-saving shower head with a flow rate of two and a half gallons per minute and cut your water consumption by half per shower. 

• fill an average bath takes about 30 to 40 liters of water. Try filling the tub instead of only half. 

• Scrape the food from your food, so that if there is less flushing and only the dishwasher fully necessary. If you need to wash your dishes by hand, fill a basin to wash with soap and water, and turn on the water at a very low power when you need to rinse. Let that sink running all the time you wash dishes. 

• Turn off the sink while you brush your teeth or shaving. Only turn on the water when you need to rinse. You will save several gallons of water per minute that way. 

• When you wash your hands, turn off the tap while lathering the soap you are. Turn the sink again when you are ready, and rinse them as soon as possible. 

• Run when you have to wash a full load of dirty laundry only your washing machine. 

• Water your lawn only when absolutely necessary. Watering your grass and trees less is often more water at once will cut down on water consumption. 

• Use the hose will never hosed your walkways and driveways. Clean dirt by sweeping them away with a broom....

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