you can reduce home energy has become a household desire as a result of
high-definition televisions and houses the size of a castle gradually. Throw
in a difficult economic situation and the melt down of a nuclear
facility and more energy-efficient seems like a good idea.
Our electric bill increase as a result of rising energy costs and the need for more and more power to operate are power hungry homes and our performance is dependent lifestyles. Becoming Energy Smart and working conditions, to reduce the energy consumption and energy waste is our defense against these hefty electricity bills.
Here are 9 steps you can take to answer the question of how to reduce energy at home.
1 Hang on to your electricity bill.
Your electricity bill has a lot of information about it that you have to have to evaluate your homes energy consumption. You do not have to think about how you're going to the power that you use to monitor throughout the year worry, your power company already has that information available. Your electricity bill, you know how many baths of natural gas and how many kilowatt hours of electricity you used last month and how it compared to the same month last year.
Some households have on the electricity bill, which hold come in the mail, and some can get this information from their power company on-line access. It is important to be made as a household energy programs to reduce that a record years in power consumption available.
Tip: Ask if they attend your local power company in the Green Button program. The Green Button program allows people to their energy consumption online access.
2 Welcome a change of lifestyle.
You can not conduct themselves in your home as you would if the power of 3 cents per kilowatt hour and the only electrical device you had in your house except the Frigidaire, a light bulb was doing.
Lifestyle changes are necessary in order to reduce energy consumption and to avoid wasting energy. It takes a greening of mind and a conscious effort to follow desired energy saving practices.
Tip: Start with something simple like turning off lights when not needed and reset the thermostat at night and when your away at work.
3 Perform an energy audit. You'll learn how to Reduce Energy at Home
An energy audit of your home will help energy saving measures. A home energy audit will identify areas of energy waste and what actions you should first be addressed to save the most energy on a cost-effect bases.
To start the home energy audit process must be evaluated at home on-line. It is free and will provide valuable information. There are a number of web pages that have a home energy audit calculators that you can use. The first place to look for an online assessment program is your current company website.
Tip: Your energy supplier can have an online audit program or they may even offer a free home visit from an energy auditor. Give your power company a call.
4 Weatherization inexpensive. Now this is how to reduce energy at home.
Usually the most cost effective method to reduce energy consumption and reduce your electricity bill by weatherization measures. Whether you live in a cold climate and need to keep the cold out, or you live in a warm climate and need to keep the hot weather outside, weatherization measures provide the help you need.
Air Sealing:
Your home has more holes in it than you know. Air sealing these holes provides the air barrier must separate the outside air from the room air.
Add insulation to your homes building envelope - the ceiling, floor and walls - strengthens your homes thermal barrier and provides protection against heat loss or heat gain by radiation, conduction and convection.
Tip: Low-income households can receive weatherization assistance through the Community action programs. Ask your electricity supplier when a home weatherization, the Community action program in your area.
5 Heating & cooling efficiency.
Update your heating and cooling system to a more energy efficient source can save energy for years to come. There is no reason for any home to have a $ 400 dollar electric bill more. Air-source and geothermal heat pumps have increased substantially more energy efficient over the last ten years. Ductless heat pumps provide heating and cooling for a fraction of the cost of baseboard heaters, heat resistant ceiling or wall electric heaters.
The 70% efficient gas furnace in the 1970s, the 95% efficient gas furnaces available today has been updated. Heating and Cooling Contractors are to visit your home and discuss the options available, best adapt your home and your needs.
Tip: Before upgrading central heating or cooling equipment, the supply and return ducts sealed against air loss. No use wasting the conditioned air efficiently through channels that leak.
6 Water heater, all too often forgotten
The only time that we make sure our water heater is right after a cold shower. After all, the water heater is often located in a mostly hidden location, it does not make any noise, and it has no bells and whistles. The boiler is often the No. 2 consumer of energy in our homes and therefore, when we try to reduce the energy consumption needed some attention directed his way.
If your water heater is leaking water from the tank, replace it immediately and pay attention to the evaluation of the energy efficiency of the new water heater. If your water heater is not leaking, do these two energy saving measures:
Set water temperature:
The energy-efficient water temperature is 120 degrees Fahrenheit. If you have a gas water heater, adjusting the temperature is easy with the dial on the water heater gas valve. If your water heater is electric, you must remove the item has to adjust the temperature. It is best to turn off power at the circuit panel before setting this.
Heater Cover:
Your water heater may have, but insulated additional insulation blanket around the outside is to save energy. Read the instructions for your water heater and follow the instructions. Water heater blankets are available in most hardware stores, the ceiling will also include written instructions for its installation.
7 Appliance upgrades save energy
Microwaves heat food efficiently than a range. New refrigerators consume less energy than those manufactured 10 years ago. New clothes washers use less energy and less water. Clothes dryer with moisture sensors off when clothes are dry. New surge protection power strips can stop phantom power loss.
When replacing an old device or shopping for a new, remember, for the Energy Star label look.
8 Lighting
You are on the number of bulbs you have to be surprised in your home. Take a guess at the number and then go to yur home and count each one. Most people are surprised to realize how many bulbs at home actually has.
For the lights you use the most and the longest left, compact fluorescent lamps and LED lamps can save significant energy savings. It is a CFL bulb for each lamp in the house.
9 Renewable Energy
Homes with renewable energy sources such as solar power and wind turbines not only produce energy but also save more energy. There seems to be a connection between the desire to produce renewable energy and consciousness in order to reduce the energy consumption. So, this is a great way to save energy in order to produce the energy you save.
If your considering a renewable energy system is the first thing you want to do is be by your power company. Your power company knows more about renewable energy than you might think.
These are to reduce the 9 steps to save energy at home. Reduction of energy consumption requires no great sacrifice nor a degree in electrical engineering, it requires only energy use awareness and a utility bill that has the ability to open the eyes....
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