Convert Your Gas Vehicle to Electric - 5 Myths about Electric Vehicle Conversions

Well, it looks like the gas prices on the rise again and with summer demand for fuel is just around the corner, I think we could begin to see oil prices well above $ 100 a barrel. If you are reading this article then you may already have thought about converting your gas vehicle to an all electric. If you've ever talked to someone about all the pros and cons of an electric vehicle, you've probably heard some or all of the following misconceptions about EVs. Allow me five common electric vehicle conversion to dispel myths.

They have limited range - all vehicles have a limited range before they need refueling. The fact of the matter is, most Americans only drive an average of 40 miles (64 km) per day. An electric vehicle can be converted easily exceed that between costs and, unlike gas engines, do not consume energy when. At traffic lights 

They cost too much - when comparing gas engines cost less in the long run electric vehicles. After the conversion, not only gas will be eliminated as a current expense, but so is oil, coolant, filters, silencers, gaskets, belts, tune ups, and all the other pieces that go into burning fuels. When I converted my Mazda MX3, I was surprised at how much gas burning garbage was removed from the vehicle astonished. Let's not forget about the environmental costs that go along with natural gas vehicle emissions. 

They pollute, because electricity is generated to recharge from coal-fired power plants - Although generated more than half of U.S. electricity from coal-fired power plants, there are alternative ways by solar, wind and hydroelectric power to recharge batteries electrical energy. When you consider all the pollution generated to drill, refine, transport, and finally burn gasoline and tried the comparison is almost laughable. 

EV batteries end up in landfills. Batteries contain valuable materials in them and can be almost completely recycled. Also conventional gas-powered vehicle batteries are recycled to 99% by the U.S. EPA 

They are slow - Even an average EV conversion can easily reach speeds on the highway, and if a high-performance EV is desired, parts and equipment are available to leave a lot of gas cars in the dust. The only thing about electric cars is slowly bring the big car manufacturers ready to produce models on the market. 

An EV can make a great second car, and in many cases there is no reason it could not be your primary mode of transportation....

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