Tap water as fuel - Water Car - Stanley Meyer

Stanley Meyer's water car was the subject of conspiracy theories and controversy for years. Proponents hope that Stanley Meyer's water car is a perpetual motion machine. Critics have called the Stan Meyers water car is a fraud and a delusion. The high-voltage, high-frequency generator HHO (oxyhydrogen machine) supposedly generates more power it consumes through electrolysis. Applying for international patents, Stan Meyer was able to obtain patents in Japan and parts of Europe. 

Meyer presented a water-powered dune buggy in 1990 to the infidel media. In 1996, the Ohio Civil courts found Meyers water car to the "gross and egregious fraud" and be ordered to compensate investors accumulated $ 25,000 of more than $ 60,000 from people who buy into the water fuel cell car dealerships. 

It should be noted that Stanley Meyer had no engineering education as its circuits and descriptions beyond convention, to be added to the disbelief of science. In fact, Stanley Meyer never graduated from college, the. Doubt about the water fuel cell car, as he called it 

On 21 Stanley Meyer in March 1998 to stop an Ohio cafeteria available and established the cause of the downfall of the regional coroner was an aneurysm bone marrow. However, it was learned that Stan Meyer ran the cafeteria of the claim that he was poisoned shortly before his death. 

How Stanley Meyers water car was a trick? In any case. Was to justify his paranoia and conspiracy theories? There is a high probability these two concepts are genuine and not mutually exclusive. 

The followers of Stanley Meyer's Water Fuel Cell Point to the conspiracy theories that his device does not joke or a scam, but true. What is more likely, however, is that it was by powerful people who have a lot to lose if the Stan Meyer Water Car veritable had been worried. 

Two things intelligence in relation to the paranoia about conspiracy theories regarding new machines that will radically shortens come the need for oil. First, is that much Hho Generator engineers have spent the last few years, have reported harassment and even made arrangements to secure as much anonymity as possible. 

Secondly, and I do not want reported Hho hydrogen generator for cars with diesel or gasoline powered vehicles mess, but it was an incident of Roger billing, which is credible. Billings helped in the development of a hydrogen bus, which was located in Riverside and inform sabotage its technology, which is written back to its establishment in Utah and additional security when the technology was back in Riverside, California had to be delivered....

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