Hybrid Car Batteries concerns

Is your hybrid Aging Gracefully? Since hybrid first on the scene at the turn of the century, fears to spend tens of thousands of dollars to the advanced batteries will be used to replace the hybrid system exploded buyers have pursued potential buyers and PR managers at automotive manufacturers power. When the first cars on the market start to hit the 100,000-mile / ten year mark and beyond, demand has skyrocketed for spare batteries and the price has shocked many hybrid owners. 

Newsweek reported that sales of replacement batteries for hybrid cars to 58% in the past month, despite the significant costs associated with battery replacement. However, both Toyota and Honda say the two largest manufacturers of hybrid cars that only a small number of dead batteries were reported once the cars "100,000 or 150,000 miles warranties have expired. When I say small, I mean 1% for older models and fractions of a percent for the more updated technology found in newer hybrids (basically, after 2004). 

But for those who are out of warranty and facing the reality that to replace the battery, is what the cost? Just a few weeks ago, the cost was much higher than it is now. As demand rose, hybrid manufacturers realized that if the prices do not come down, things could get ugly. So Honda and Toyota battery prices slashed $ 1.968 - $ 3.000 - a significant savings over what they were before the first June 2008 ($ 3400 - $ 5500). Hybrid owners, who for a while on their guarantees can also breathe new plant to mass-produce replacement batteries are in the works, which should bring the prices down even more. 

Whenever you buy a used car, you run the risk of not finding a potential problem that could end up costing you a lot down the road. And every time a new technology is introduced, the early adopters are willing to risk paying a higher price and the guinea pigs for the new product. In the case of hybrid cars, these two scenarios are simultaneous, that's too bad for the first buyers, but without them, and their willingness to take risks, the hybrid industry would not be where it is today....

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