Indoor Air Quality, abbreviated as IAQ is an index that measures the cleanliness of the air in the environment. Maintaining a standard IAQ is important because not to do can be devastating to your health. The rating of dangerous gases is concerned, is the most common of which is carbon monoxide.
The AQI from 0 to 500. The value is directly proportional to the health concerns of individuals. Lower values are good for the environment and the higher values are dangerous. A value of 50 categorized the air quality as good without the possible effects on health. The default value, which must be maintained, is 100 Any value below this is satisfactory, and any value greater than this is harmful.
It is really important to the quality of indoor air control in the design of HVAC systems, and it must be evaluated at every stage of planning and construction. The main methods are used to improve indoor air quality ratings filtration, ventilation and source control.
One popular method that retains sufficient indoor air quality control and consumes less energy, demand controlled ventilation. Carbon dioxide sensors monitor the amount of gas in the air, emitted by the building occupants and accordingly change the air exchange rate.
Air filters are used to absorb some of the pollutants present in the air. The Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) must be at least 13 years. This standard was developed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) has been set. The filters also limit the amount of dirt in the coils. Unhealthy substances inhibit growth in the presence of dust particles. This also reduces the efficiency of the system.
High humidity is to grow as an ideal condition for moisture and mold. This causes respiratory diseases. The system must deliver air at a lower temperature, but this increases the power consumption.
In warm regions, the air is supplied to save energy at higher temperatures. In tropical areas, the moderate outdoor temperatures and the need for cooling air in the house are totally eliminated. The air supply is considered part of the design and it can not be changed when the process is complete will.
The dew point also plays an important role in the maintenance of an appropriate air quality control index. It is the temperature at which the water vapor in the air becomes liquid water. This is effective in the reduction of moisture.
The recommended values are between 40 ° C to 50 ° F. gas heaters are implemented on desiccant wheel to dry the atmosphere and reach the dew point required. Once the moisture has been condensed, cooling coils are used to lower the room temperature at the set value.
The limiting infiltration technique is often implemented in commercial buildings, and residential apartments at the time. This is effective in reducing the moisture in the air. The atmospheric air pressure within the building is maintained slightly positive, when the pressure of the outside air to reduce the infiltration compared.
Ozone forms many toxic chemicals, when combined with common indoor pollutants. When the outdoor temperature is kept higher air change rate, the concentration of ozone in the interior and more reactions increases take place.
Even if the price is kept low, the reactions can not be completely avoided. The chemicals diseases and death formed in a position so ozone need to be removed during ventilation. This is achieved by diluting ambient air.
The international environmental and health organizations have some standards to be maintained in order to employ an efficient management of air quality in rooms to reduce the value of IAQ must be set. The outside air per hour shall be 2.5. Carbon dioxide must be limited to 1500 ppm. The air exchange rate have 3 times per hour for small gatherings, but this varies with the number of people....
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