HHO car is more common these days More and more people worldwide are beginning with this technology to save fuel and thus help to preserve the environment. This HHO Car System can be fitted to almost any model of any brand out there. It varies slightly depending on the engine it is installed, but the principles are the same. It can also be used on both diesel and gasoline engines.
Operating a car purely on HHO HHO gas requires a lot of modifications and is not just for economic commercial use, but supplement your gasoline or diesel engine with HHO gas is pretty cheap and easy to do. You can also switch between the purchase of a complete HHO kit and let your mechanic do all the work for you or you can make your own HHO car by building a HHO generator and installation in your car itself saves in this way some more to choose . And it's not that hard at all! Everything you'll need for your own HHO generator, you can find your tools and electronics stores and you do not have to be a master mechanic to build it or install it.
HHO cars are a new generation of HYBRID! Produced by simple electrolysis, the HHO gas combustion process improves produce great performance. The electrolysis is. Due to the engine speed so that the explosive gas is generated only when it is needed and therefore not trigger any additional tanks for gas storage required Through the improvement of power and fuel internal combustion engine, less fuel is needed to produce the same power is required by the user. In this way, the engine is running smoother and remains clean, because almost 100% of the fuel is burned and disposed of by-products more efficiently through the exhaust pipe.
Your regular gasoline or diesel engine burn only about 20% - 30% of the fuel mixture, which is in. Byproducts pumped but partly expelled through the exhaust system part of it remains in the engine and exhaust system, causing the engine to wear out faster and clogging the exhaust system.
Reacting the HHO gas into the combustion process to increase burning of 80-100%, increased performance and reduced in this way the amount of fuel for the process is required. And almost 100% of the by-products (carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ...) through the exhaust system will leave the engine running clean and marketed.
The temperature of the engine is lowered and HHO gas water vapor during the process is converted to the engine cooling water effectively.
Convert your car to an HHO car can be from 10% to 40% of your monthly car to save fuel and maintenance costs. And the best part is that you can easily remove it in a few minutes if you need, but you can also back if you want.
Hybrid car has become a synonym for economical and environmentally friendly cars If so, as a HHO car more than qualified to be as a hybrid. By reducing fuel consumption, HHO system reduces negative emissions from the engine thus keep our planet cleaner and healthier. HHO system, the negative emissions up to 60%! And by the reduction of fuel consumption, it also reduces our dependence on foreign oil, and in this way keep gasoline prices at a reasonable level. If only one fifth of the world population would use this technology, we could monoxide emissions, which are highly toxic to all living things, by 50% and carbon dioxide by 60%, which is a major cause of global warming effects that we are lower experience today.
So, if you would care about the environment and your health, and you would not mind saving some money along the way, this could be what you are looking for.
As oil demand grows bigger every year, so our natural resources are wearing thin. The results are extremely high gasoline prices and fuel shortages all over the world. And it's only going to get worse.
So, will begin many cars, hybrid cars. But the price of these cars is not very economical and you can not save enough money on gasoline to even the odds. They carry hydrogen technology. But again, you have to buy expensive hydrogen at the gas station. This is where HHO car is much more efficient! It has been around since the 19th Been century. And it was successfully used during World War II. Of course they are not going to make a series production car with an HHO generator, they would have to sell you water to make money, then!
All over the world people are using HHO generators to save with gasoline internal combustion engines and more power
It has been widely used in the U.S. by farmers for tractor engines and other machinery. During the last years of the Second World War there was a massive shortage of fuel on all fronts. Both sides used HHO generators to save fuel and increase mileage of their vehicles. When the war ended, it was ordered to destroy any HHO generator, but some survived and German people used them to provide energy during the post-war crisis.
This HHO Car System can on almost any model any brand there is fit....
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