If you are at home, you want to breathe. Whether you have a hard day at work or come back to the house after a long trip, you want to be able to settle down and relax in your favorite chair and comfortable surroundings solve the stress of the day. If your home HVAC system functioning at an optimal level, you can achieve perfect harmony with your mind and spirit and let the clean air through the lungs. If you think your AC is not working up to par, but you might want to try a few things before you call in a handyman. Easy maintenance of your air conditioner can help them to work long hours.
The most obvious task of self-preservation, of course, to ensure that you regularly change the air filter. Collect dust and dirt filter that circulates in your home and help clean the air. Over time, however, lose their effectiveness as filters to be clogged. Many experts recommend changing the filter every month, but how best to assess activity at home, you should at least check the filter monthly and replace, if applicable.
If allergies are a problem at home, you can also shop around for filters of different qualities. In the HVAC industry, the filter according to the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, or MERV be scaled. Filters are given to sixteen (for maximum filtering work) a MERV rating of somewhere between one (for the most basic residential model). High MERV filters are usually in sterile environments such as hospitals, but for a home, the highest rating is usually five.
You should also take some time to check your air conditioning leaks. Check the pipes, and if you suspect leaks do not cause your AC perform at the highest level, the channels have better sealed. This should help the air flow properly.
These simple measures will not only keep your air clean and well distributed throughout the house, but when the HVAC works well, you can save some money on your electricity bill. If an air conditioning system plagued by leaks and poor filtering, can the impression that the device is not turned on, and you'll crank it up. This in turn forces your unit to work harder and spend you make that happen more money!
Before you come to the service man, do you call yourself an inspection. You may be surprised to see a simple solution is everything you need for clean air....
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