Lack of power and the depletion of energy sources have people think seriously towards saving electricity. The Government will focus on the use of renewable energy sources more as they are eco-friendly. However, no efforts can be successful if done at home energy assessment. Assessments
can be called by different names like Home Comprehensive Home
Assessment Assessment, Energy audit, etc. This in turn reduces the
pollution as power is still generated by coal (thermal power) to a large
It is strongly recommended that home energy assessment or energy audit is performed in every household. Such audits allowing people the amount of energy consumed recognize in the house. It examines the various areas of the house and can the place where more power is used to highlight. Looking at the result, you can continue to take the necessary steps to reduce power consumption and around the house more energy efficient.
Cooling and heating systems consume maximum amount of energy that is used every house. Therefore, it is advisable to clean these devices from time to time and check if there is any damage. Since 10 percent of the total energy used is taken into account to the lighting equipment, it is necessary to verify that the wattage of the lamps used. Use of CFL lamps can further reduce consumption. Solar power can also be used by the installation of photovoltaic cells on the roof. This not only reduces power consumption, but also reduces the dependence on non-renewable energy sources and thus saving the environment from pollution.
Home energy assessment will not only save electricity, but water savings can also be considered under this category is limited. Although a large part of the earth is covered with water, much of the world from scarcity of fresh water. There is therefore the need of the time to save water.
Energy Star is often associated with the performance of electrical equipment. The history of the Energy Star goes back to 1992, when Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy has created in the United States. Home Performance with Energy Star can be highly increased as computer products and kitchen appliances with Energy Star service mark consume 20 to 30 percent less power. The list of products with Energy Star service mark is growing daily and it now covers almost all electrical equipment and office equipment.
During this period, when the power has exhausted the need of every household and the conventional energy sources, it is the responsibility of each individual to show awareness towards saving electricity. Energy Audit and Home Energy Star can do much to reduce energy consumption and pollution reduction. Also, on non-conventional energy sources such as solar and wind energy to solve the problem of power more.