Acoustic Insulation BasicsSoundproofing your home in more than you can imagine at first may be useful. A
peaceful and quiet environment is very important for your health and
everyday life, it can dramatically improve the quality of your life. Also,
because so-called noise pollution has become a much discussed topic
today, it has become a part of the legislature and therefore binding,
the achievement of certain levels of sound insulation is not only no
longer a matter of choice.
Basic concepts and RegulationsFirst of all, there are a few basic terms and definitions that you should get familiar with. Namely, building acoustics contain two basic values, which are often confused with each other. Soundproofing refers to transmission reduction, certain insulation materials used to stop or reduce the sound traveling from one place to another, the sound reduction of the total noise.
the sound can either directly by a division of the element two rooms
(walls, floors, etc.) or by the surrounding structure, why we differ
so-called direct and indirect transmission. Another important distinction is that between the air (through the air) and impact noise (caused by traces, for example). The
other component is the sound absorption, as much sound is absorbed and
then lost when the interaction is with a specific surface area.
Now, some basics about the local rules. The compulsory regulation document preferred levels of sound insulation in England is the Approved Document E of the Building Regulations, setting two basic methods of pre-determining whether a dwelling meets the prescribed values - the so-called pre-completion testing and the robustness details. During pre-completion testing is always of a specific specimen, which determine whether a new building will meet the values set performed Robust Details is a less complicated alternative that is basically certain types that have already been tested by the standards of building regulations. As for Scotland, the said documents do not, but the thing is governed by Technical Manual Chapter 5 with a few significant differences when compared to the rest of the UK.
Acoustic Insulation Methods and MaterialsThe basic goal you want to achieve with sound insulation is to reduce from one room to the other, the sound travels. This practically means that the materials that you go depends on various factors that need to be consulted before starting. These include:
Determination of the source of noise is that there will be (lower for another room or floor, for example) it is from the inside or from outside (Traffic noise);
Determination of the surface, which is the transmission of noise (eg, it is your floor, wall, ceiling, etc.);
Determining the permissible sound level (while hearing the aforementioned regulation).
Well, sometimes the problem you are dealing with noise, can easily take care of when the noise level is not too high and can be removed easily taken care of by simply a thicker wool carpet (because wool is an excellent insulator) on the ground or by hanging some heavy fabric curtains on the windows and doors.
At the same time certain noise sources can not easily get which means that some additional sound insulation measures must be taken. A very common approach with a type of barrier between the sound source and the rest of the space, such as wall elements with foam on the inner wall placed successfully absorb the noise and echoes and reverberation. Another option is to fill the voids inside the existing wall with some insulation material that absorb noise and prevent it in the next room, frequently used in residential and commercial buildings.
if you be sure that your building would meet the prescribed noise
levels, you can always opt for some insulation especially for home
insulation and sound insulation such as rock wool boards that regulate
not only the noise level is going designed, but also affect the thermal
performance of the building (as this ay you can kill two birds with one
stone), with drywall to drywall systems or by a combination of
plasterboard walls and ceilings with a kind of protective layer as thin
metal channels that improve the sound quality of your home.